Selling Your Vegas Home in a Slow Market

Seller Strategies
When a Las Vegas listing agent and a client talk strategy, there is one question the agent does not have to ask his/her client: “what are your priorities?” And the reason the agent doesn’t have to ask is because the answer is already known: “Sell my house quickly and at the highest possible price!”
In today’s market that is a tall order, even if the house is exceptional and the pricing attractive, although a property such as just described would certainly sell quicker than most.
But the more houses on the market the more hesitation enters a buyer’s mind, like somebody in a singles bar who sees an attractive girl and strikes up a conversation, but always has one eye on the door, wondering if someone better might come in.
How then do you, the seller, overcome the hesitancy of the buyer, the neighborhood competition and the prevailing buyer’s attitude that even if the home looks good and is priced right, will prices continue to fall, and will I be able to buy this home at an even lower price in a few months or less?
There is no question that selling your home at the present time represents a real challenge for you and your agent. A challenge, yes! An impossibility, NO!
There are strategies to implement and things to be done that can turn the odds in your favor. Keeping a confident mind set and a belief in your strategy is the way to set about marketing your home with determination.
In boxing, a fighter with the determination and the will to win can often overcome superior skill, by causing the less determined fighter to lose confidence. Don’t lose confidence in yourself or your agent.
The first things to do are no-brainers to anyone, either buyer or agent who has done the research, and knows the basic procedures required prior to putting the property up for sale, and that is:
- Fix the place up! Clean, straighten, neaten, organize, that’s known as “staging.” An important part of staging is making the home spotlessly clean and eliminating ALL clutter everywhere, including the garage.
- “Curb appeal” means getting the lawn mowed, shrubbery trimmed, potted flowering plants strategically placed, clean, uncluttered driveway, etc.
- Make all necessary repairs recommended by the house inspector you should definitely hire.
- Your agent knows this, but you should be aware that equally important to the above steps to take is to price the home properly in accordance with current market conditions.
- In order to arrive at a figure that will lure buyers and leave you a decent profit, your agent must do a comparative market analysis, taking into consideration many factors that influence fair market values.
If you want to sell your home in Las Vegas quickly and at the best possible price, give us a call at 702-376-0088 as we have the expertise and negotiating skills that you need in an agent.
Tony Sena is broker/owner of Shelter Realty in Las Vegas Nevada. For more than a decade Tony and his partners have provided residential real estate and property management services to sellers, buyers, investors, and property owners in the Las Vegas Valley. A Las Vegas native and former police officer for the City of Henderson, Tony brings to the table a unique local perspective that continues to serve his clients well.