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Clark County Lawmakers In Favor of Introducing “Lottery System” for Short-Term Rental Licenses

Short-Term Rentals

Clark County Lawmakers In Favor of Introducing “Lottery System” for Short-Term Rental Licenses

LAS VEGAS, NV – As short-term rentals – such as Airbnb and Vrbo – finally approach a state of legality in Clark County as of July 1, lawmakers are signifying that they are in favor of establishing a lottery system for when it comes to issuing the over 2,800 licenses to individuals and companies that are looking to get involved in the local house-sharing industry.

The Clark County County Commission is not only looking to find an ideal method to address the huge number of house-sharing rental applications they will receive, but also how to crack down on the even larger number of illegal short-term rentals that are clandestinely operating within the county’s jurisdiction; current estimates put the number between 6,000 to 12,000 properties.

In 2021, Assembly Bill 363 – sponsored by Assemblywoman Rochelle Nguyen – was voted into law, and decreed that as of July 1, 2022, short-term rentals would begin to be legal in Clark County; furthermore, the county would also be tasked with regulating the new industry within its borders, and lawmakers have been working ever since to craft ordinances for that purpose.

Recently, Commissioners agreed on several possible regulations for short-term rentals, including capping licenses to one percent of all homes; adopting a 1,000-foot distance requirement between rentals; limiting licenses to one per homeowner or company; and enacting an application cost of at least $1,000.

As for tackling violations, lawmakers seemed to favor fines up to $1,000 per violation for legal short-term rentals, and fines of up to $10,000 per violation for ones that are operating illegally.

However, details are still in flux and have yet to be cemented amid various concerns that officials do not possess the significant backing in terms of finances or manpower that will allow them to enforce the new ordnances, both among legal and illegal short-term rentals alike. Renters finding ways to skirt around the laws – such as creating multiple LLCs – are a potential issue as well.

A recent survey indicated that the majority of Clark County’s residents are not in favor of short-term rentals becoming legal; those who want to provide input to the county’s plans can email them to [email protected].

Shelter Realty Property Management specializes in the areas of  HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.