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Las Vegas-Area Realtors “Cautiously Optimistic” About Impact of Upcoming Presidency on Local Market


Las Vegas-Area Realtors “Cautiously Optimistic” About Impact of Upcoming Presidency on Local Market

LAS VEGAS, NV – While Las Vegas’ real estate scene showed a dip in activity leading up to the recent election due to the uncertainty surrounding its outcome, a new report indicates that local Realtors are “cautiously optimistic” when it comes to the potential impact that the upcoming Trump presidency could have upon the Southern Nevada marketplace.

When speaking to local media, many Vegas Realtors said that the real estate market experienced several months of slowdown while buyers set aside purchase plans until after the election, with the uncertainty regarding its outcome creating a sense of anxiety when it came to decision making for many. However, now that the election is over, there is a greater sense of clarity for many, and reportedly buyers and sellers in Vegas are once again ramping up their activity.

Following the region’s worst year for sales since 2008, Las Vegas has bounced back, with new listings pouring into the market and prices continuously rising to what may soon be a new all-time record high point. This is being fueled in-part by the end of the election – both the stock and cryptocurrency markets have responded positively to Trump’s return, reports say – in addition to a recent second rate cut by the Federal Reserve – 25 basis points – that is hoped will have an impact on home mortgage interest rates.

Many Realtors are saying that a Trump presidency could have a positive effect on Las Vegas’s current housing crisis, citing his previous-revealed plans to both deregulate the housing industry and to open up additional federal land for home development, which – if those factors do come to pass – could lead to an explosion of new building activity in Southern Nevada and a plethora of new options for those looking to buy a residence.

However, some critics of Trump point out that his plan to impose expensive tariffs on imports could have a negative impact upon the housing market, as it could make housing construction more costly overall. In addition, his plans for mass deportation of illegal immigrants could also have a similar negative effect, as many currently work in construction trades.

Shelter Realty Property Management specializes in the areas of  HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.