State Officials to Break Ground on Two New Affordable Housing Complexes in Las Vegas
LAS VEGAS, NV – As the housing crisis continues in Southern Nevada, state officials announced this week that ground will soon be broken on two new affordable housing apartment complexes in Las Vegas, bringing a total of 201 much-needed units to the city’s residents.
The Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority (SNRHA) confirmed that one of the new affordable housing communities will be located at the intersection of Duncan and Edwards, whereas the other will be at 28th and Sunrise.
The combined total of 201 units will be made available to lower-income Las Vegas residents; the main requirement for consideration is that the applying household as a whole is earning between 30 and 80 percent of the area’s median income.
According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s data, Nevada is currently lacking in terms of affordable housing units, with more than 78,000 needed; Las Vegas accounts for the majority of that shortfall, with the city in need of at least 60,000 units – which comes out to 14 units available for every 100 needed – if not more.
In addition, as per research provided by the Lied Center for Real Estate at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), Nevada ranks in the top three of states where renters are especially feeling financially burdened by their housing expenses; currently, UNLV estimates that approximately 45 to 50 percent of tenants are spending over 30 percent of their monthly income on keeping a roof over their heads.
However, Nancy Brune – City of Las Vegas Councilwoman and Vice Chair of the SNRHA – is hopeful that the two new affordable housing complexes that are now in the works will go some way to addressing the city’s housing crisis, but also acknowledged that much more needs to be done in order to make a real impact.
During the great recession, Nevada was hit by a couple of big economic fallouts and back in 2008 we just stopped building because there was a lot of uncertainty,” Brune said. “I think we are just catching up to meet the demand we are seeing. We are one of the fastest growing states in terms of people coming here, and we just haven’t caught up yet to the demand.”
Shelter Realty Property Management specializes in the areas of Henderson, Las Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.
Christopher Boyle is an expert investigative journalist for SEARCHEN NETWORKS® and reports for independent news and media organizations in the United States. Christopher keeps a keen-eye on what’s happening in the Vegas real estate market on behalf of Shelter Realty Property Management