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Category Archive : Economy

Las Vegas Valley

Valley Currently Has One of the Highest Rates of Real Estate Deals Falling Through

LAS VEGAS, NV – According to a new report released by Redfin, the Las Vegas Valley currently has one of the highest instances of pending real estate deals falling through in the entire country.

In January 2025, the valley placed third in the nation in terms of the number of pending home sales being cancelled, with about 17.9 percent of them failing; this also represented a year-over-year increase, as the rate for the valley in January 2024 was 16.4 percent.

The top spot was taken by Atlanta, Georgia, which placed first at 19.8 percent, and followed by Orlando, Florida in second place, with 18.2 percent, as per Redfin.

Realtor Mike Roland said there are a lot of potential roadblocks that can get in the way of a real estate transaction these days, and that Las Vegas is currently feeling the effects of those issues more than most areas.

It doesn’t take much to blow up a deal these days. Even the smallest issue can lead to a cancellation, especially with the lingering uncertainty surrounding the economy,” Roland said. “On top of that, with inventory increasing, buyers have more choices and are becoming more selective. If there’s a rough inspection or appraisal issue, buyers aren’t sticking around like they would a couple years ago. In today’s slowing market, growing inventory means buyers have options, and they’re taking their time to choose wisely.”

However, the amount of real estate transactions falling through is up pretty much throughout the entire country; in January 2025, the failure rate was 14.3 percent, the highest number since 2017 and a noteworthy year-over-year bump from 13.4 percent.

Redfin cited several reasons for the rising number of cancellations nationally, including economic uncertainty, supply rising while demand is falling, and sticker shock on the part of buyers as it relates to current elevated home prices. For example, Las Vegas home prices reached their all-time high in January, hitting $485,000, with that number remaining the same in February as well.

Shelter Realty Property Management specializes in the areas of  HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

infill Housing

State Officials to Break Ground on Two New Affordable Housing Complexes in Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS, NV – As the housing crisis continues in Southern Nevada, state officials announced this week that ground will soon be broken on two new affordable housing apartment complexes in Las Vegas, bringing a total of 201 much-needed units to the city’s residents.

The Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority (SNRHA) confirmed that one of the new affordable housing communities will be located at the intersection of Duncan and Edwards, whereas the other will be at 28th and Sunrise.

The combined total of 201 units will be made available to lower-income Las Vegas residents; the main requirement for consideration is that the applying household as a whole is earning between 30 and 80 percent of the area’s median income.

According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s data, Nevada is currently lacking in terms of affordable housing units, with more than 78,000 needed; Las Vegas accounts for the majority of that shortfall, with the city in need of at least 60,000 units – which comes out to 14 units available for every 100 needed – if not more.

In addition, as per research provided by the Lied Center for Real Estate at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), Nevada ranks in the top three of states where renters are especially feeling financially burdened by their housing expenses; currently, UNLV estimates that approximately 45 to 50 percent of tenants are spending over 30 percent of their monthly income on keeping a roof over their heads.

However, Nancy Brune – City of Las Vegas Councilwoman and Vice Chair of the SNRHA – is hopeful that the two new affordable housing complexes that are now in the works will go some way to addressing the city’s housing crisis, but also acknowledged that much more needs to be done in order to make a real impact.

During the great recession, Nevada was hit by a couple of big economic fallouts and back in 2008 we just stopped building because there was a lot of uncertainty,” Brune said. “I think we are just catching up to meet the demand we are seeing. We are one of the fastest growing states in terms of people coming here, and we just haven’t caught up yet to the demand.”

Shelter Realty Property Management specializes in the areas of  HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

Vegas Business

New Study Says Las Vegas Has Most Volatile Large Housing Market In U.S.

LAS VEGAS, NV – According to a new study released by Construction Coverage, a company that specializes in researching construction software, insurance, and related services, Nevada, Georgia, Michigan and Arizona rank among the least stable states for real estate, and Las Vegas is currently the most volatile large housing market in the nation.

In order to gauge housing market stability in the long-term, the study utilized data obtained from Zillow to analyze home price trends across major metropolitan areas across the country. The markets in question were then ranked based on the likelihood that a random buyer would have experienced a price drop of over 5 percent following a purchase.

Based on that criteria, eight major metros displayed a greater than 40 percent chance of a 5 percent or more price drop, with Las Vegas ranking at the top of that list as being the most volatile.

Las Vegas has been the most volatile large metro, with a 48.5 percent probability of a 5 percent or greater price drop and a 63.9 percent peak-to-trough decline, amounting to a staggering $210,860 loss in home value,” the report reads. “While home prices in Las Vegas have increased 182 percent since 2000, reaching a median value of $428,434, this growth has come with severe price fluctuations, particularly during the housing crash of 2008 and the rapid price corrections following the pandemic-era boom.”

The city’s high volatility can be attributed to speculative investment, a tourism-dependent economy, and a rapid influx of new housing supply, which amplifies both booms and busts,” Construction Coverage adds.

In contrast, the reports names South Dakota, Oklahoma, Alaska, Iowa, and Vermont as the states being the most stable, and Buffalo, New York as being the least volatile city.

When asked about his thoughts regarding Construction Coverage’s study, Chairman and CEO of Coldwell Banker Premier Bob Hamrick said that two events shaped the current real estate market in Las Vegas – the Great Recession and the COVID-19 pandemic; however, he noted that the market in Southern Nevada is showing signs of returning to stability.

I’m hearing that we have a balanced market now,” Hamrick said. “We do have a balanced market when you look at the period of time. It’s over a 25-year period of time. When you look at that period, there were two monumental events that took place then— both of which had significant impact on Las Vegas.”

Shelter Realty Property Management specializes in the areas of  HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

Las Vegas’ 21 high-rise condo

Las Vegas High-Rise Condo Prices Hit All-Time Record High in 2024 Despite Falling Sales

LAS VEGAS, NV – The average sales price of condominiums in Las Vegas in 2024 reached an all-time record high of nearly $700,000, despite the fact that sales dropped to their lowest level in the past five years, as per a new report released by research firm Applied Analysis.

Condo prices in Las Vegas in 2024 reached an average of $697,890, which is a record-setting amount for Southern Nevada; this represents a year-over-year increase of 19 percent over 2023’s $587,823, which is a whopping jump of approximately $110,000.

The previous average high condo price of $598,383 was originally set in 2022.

2024’s average price per square foot of $537 was also higher when compared to the year prior, when that amount was $501, a year-over-year increase of seven percent.

The upwards trajectory of condo prices in Sin City aren’t showing any signs of abating any time soon, either; Applied Analysis currently tracks the listings of 21 high-rise condo buildings in Vegas, and noted that the average price of the 297 listings currently available is a whopping $989,506, with a square foot price of $637.

But despite the increasing condo values, their overall sales appear to be dropping. There were 604 sales that were closed in 2024, which is an 18 percent drop over the 736 sold in 2023. Following an increase in sales after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, a record number of condo sales was achieved in 2021, when 1,159 were purchased; sales have been trending downwards ever since, however, with 944 changing hands in 2022.

According to luxury condo realtor Frank Napoli, condo sales have declined recently because owners are increasingly holding onto their units for a variety of reasons, leading to an overall reduced inventory in Vegas.

What I’m noticing, now, is a lot of these people who have bought high-rises in the recent years are buying these for long-term hold, either for a Nevada address, occupying full time or as an investment property,” Napoli said.

Shelter Realty Property Management specializes in the areas of  HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

Home Prices in Las Vegas Set Yet Another Record

Las Vegas Home Prices Set New All-Time Record in January; Median Price Reaches $485,000

LAS VEGAS, NV – After several months in a row of ebbing and flowing and coming precariously close, Las Vegas home prices in January finally set a new all-time record for the region.

According to a new report by industry group Las Vegas REALTORS, the median price of an existing single-family home in Las Vegas reached $485,000 in January; this represents a whopping $10,000 increase over the previous month’s price and a jump of nine percent year-over-year.

The previous record high in Vegas was $482,000, set back in May 2022.

Brian Gordon, Principal with Applied Analysis, said that following a degree of stagnation in the local home market that saw inventory rise, recent renewed demand driven by an influx of out-of-state transplants – and a subsequent increase in sales – led to January’s significant jump in housing costs.

Prices have continued to rise. We’ve seen a decent amount of home sales take place over the last month,” Gordon said. “The demand side of the equation has continued. We continue to see people migrating in. We’re seeing people move in from California and other markets that are demanding housing.”

However, increased demand isn’t the only driving force behind rising home values; Gordon also noted that the costs associated with building homes have also been going up as of late.

The cost of land that’s ultimately required. The cost of building materials or labor,” he said. “All of that sort of factors into prices on the new home construction side and that tends to ripple through the real estate market. I think the resale market is also seeing some of that upward pressure on pricing as demand continues to persist.”

But, while this may create unfortunate barriers to affordable housing for some, the good news is that Vegas residents fortunate enough to already own a residence are enjoying a sizable jump in the equity that their home has been building up over the years.

Shelter Realty Property Management specializes in the areas of  HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

tariffs on China

Trade Issues with Canada, Mexico, China Could Negatively Impact Vegas Housing Market

LAS VEGAS, NV – A potential trade war still brewing between the United States and Canada, Mexico, and China could have a negative impact upon the housing market – both in Las Vegas and nationwide – if it comes to fruition, real estate experts say.

President Trump had originally planned to implement 25 percent tariffs on goods imported from Canada and Mexico, along with a 10 percent tariff on Chinese imports, all of which were originally slated to begin on February 4. However, the tariffs against Canada and Mexico were placed on hold for 30 days after the two countries agreed to enter into discussions with the Trump Administration; the Chinese tariffs were not postponed, and went into effect on Tuesday as scheduled.

That said, experts say that the tariffs on China – and the ones on Canada and Mexico, if they eventually go into effect – could impact the U.S. housing market, with the costs of building materials expected to increase, and a subsequent and likely spike in inflation will cause mortgage rates to go further up.

Research Director of University of Nevada, Las Vegas’ Lied Center for Real Estate, Nicholas Irwin, said that it’s too early to tell what the overall effects of a trade war could be on the housing market, but it would probably have negative consequences given the slowdown issues it is currently facing due to high mortgage rates.

A wait-and-see approach is a good idea right now. I think also we could think better about the effect of tariffs on house prices if we were in a lower mortgage rate interest environment,” Irwin said. “If mortgage rates were 3 percent, then I would think a lot of these extra costs coming in for [building] materials would be passed on to homebuyers. But now with mortgage rates so high there is less ability to pass on the full costs, they might just have to absorb more of it. And it’s not just lumber from Canada, it’s cement, vinyl plank flooring from China, and all the other things that figure into that.”

However, Las Vegas mortgage advisor Matt Hennessy said that Trump’s initial announcement of tariffs had a noticeable positive impact upon the nation’s economy; but a prolonged trade war, if it comes to pass, would have the opposite effect.

Initially we are seeing a flight to quality as money flows out of the stock market and into bonds. Mortgage bonds and mortgage rates will be beneficiaries,” Hennessy said. “While the immediate impact may be perceived as good news for housing, it may be temporary. If inflation heats up as a result of tariffs, mortgage rates will rise. There are valid concerns surrounding the potential impact and renewed fears of an uptick in inflation as an unintended consequence by tariffs.”

Shelter Realty Property Management specializes in the areas of  HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

Wells Fargo Report

New Wells Fargo Report Anticipates 2025 Being a Difficult Year for Residential Real Estate

LAS VEGAS, NV – According to a new report released this week by multinational financial services company Wells Fargo, 2025 will be a difficult year for the residential real estate market in the United States, and Las Vegas will not be exempt from experiencing this in the coming months.

Vice President and Economist for Wells Fargo, Jackie Benson, noted that the currently high level of interest rates on home mortgage loans – which are at 7 percent at the moment – will most likely discourage prospective buyers from acquiring properties and sellers from listing them until rates hopefully go down.

Mortgage rates probably aren’t going to come down too much,” she said. “And we think the Feds are going to end up at 3.75 percent for interest rates, so that’s elevated far above where we were before the pandemic when rates were zero percent and because of that economywide interest rates are expected to remain elevated, so we don’t expect mortgage rates to get below 6 percent frankly.”

Wells Fargo, in their report, included data specific to the Las Vegas Valley that indicates that while the rate at which home values are appreciating in the region has been slowing in recent months, they are nonetheless increasing faster than what is considered the average nationally.

For example, while the U.S. average home value increase year-over-year is currently 3.4 percent, in Las Vegas that rate is nearly 5 percent, as per consumer and business information and analytics firm CoreLogic.

Slowed sales in Southern Nevada have resulted in an increase in inventory, but housing supply is nonetheless lower than ideal due to the currently high level of mortgage rates; Las Vegas metropolitan area active listings, while 42 percent higher than they were year-over-year, are 17 percent lower than they were prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, some experts are anticipating that President Trump – who is viewed as business-friendly and has expressed a desire to address the housing crisis in the country – could contribute to the situation improving to some degree in the near future.

Shelter Realty Property Management specializes in the areas of  HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

Fire fighting helicopter carry water bucket to extinguish the forest fire. Photo Contributor Toa55

New Study Ranks Las Vegas as Safest City in Nation When it Comes to Natural Disasters

LAS VEGAS, NV – Amid the ongoing wildfires that have already reportedly destroyed over 10,000 structures in Southern California – as well as taking into account the rising number of natural disasters that have rocked numerous regions throughout the nation – there has been an increased number of Google searches on the part of people who have been seeking out areas to potentially live in that are deemed safe in that regard.

A new study has ranked Las Vegas, Nevada as the number one safest major metropolitan area in the United States in which to live when it comes to the number and severity of natural disasters it experiences.  

Las Vegas’ ranking as the city with the least number of natural disasters in the country – as shown in the U.S. Disaster Avoidance Map – is influenced by a number of factors, including its unique geographic advantages, robust infrastructure, and booming local economy.

The devastation brought about by hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, and floods are unheard of in Southern Nevada – partly because it is situated far from coastlines and out of major tornado pathways –not only places Vegas far ahead of most other major metros ranked in the study, but it also results in the city having one of the lowest insurance claim rates in the entire country.

Overall, the U.S. has seen a rise in its number of natural disasters in recent years – which experts attribute to issues such as climate change and growing populations in high-risk areas – including the ongoing Palisades Fire in California, a disastrous calamity that comes on the heels of previous wildfires that caused massive damage to the state in 2023.

In addition, Hurricane Idalia in 2023 caused over $12 billion in damage in Florida in 2023, and multiple states – including Vermont, Kentucky, and Texas – have been forced to contend with major flooding events in recent years.

As a result of the aforementioned events – as well as many more not mentioned here – numerous Americans are starting to re-think where they choose to call home, and for many, Las Vegas will be at the top of their list.

Shelter Realty Property Management specializes in the areas of  HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

Home Sales

Vegas Home Sales Increase Year-Over-Year in 2024; Remain Below 2021’s Record High

LAS VEGAS, NV – After 2023 proved to be the worst year in Las Vegas since 2008 as far as homes sales went, 2024 proved to be a marked improvement year-over-year, with a significantly higher number of residential real estate sales taking place. And with experts anticipating that home prices may be starting to lower in the coming months, 2025 is looking to have the very real potential to eclipse last year in terms of sales growth.

According to new statistics released by industry group Las Vegas Realtors (LVR) pulled from data by the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) system, during 2024 a total of 31,305 existing homes, condominiums and townhomes were sold in Southern Nevada, which represents an eight percent jump from 2023, when that combined residential total came to 29,069.

While an improvement, 2024 nonetheless falls short of the 50,010 properties that exchanged hands in 2021, which was the region’s all-time record year for sales; it also failed to meet the lower total achieved the following year in 2022, when 35,584 properties were sold.

LVR’s new President, George Kypreos – who assumed the position last week after Past President Merri Perry and 2025 President-Elect Joshua Campa both suddenly resigned from their posts without warning – said that he expects 2025 will see a continuation of Las Vegas’ upward trajectory when it comes to home sales.

December is traditionally one of the slowest months of the year for the housing market, and these statistics reflect that,” Kypreos said. “All things considered, I think this month’s LVR statistics paint a picture of a fairly stable and relatively healthy housing market heading into 2025.”

In December, the median price of an existing single-family house sold in Vegas was $475,000, which represents a decrease from the prior month’s near-record tying amount of 475,531; however, December 2024’s median price is nonetheless 5.6 percent higher than December 2023, when that amount was $449,900. The all-time record for Southern Nevada remains $482,000, originally set in May 2022.

Shelter Realty Property Management specializes in the areas of  HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

Las Vegas Housing

Median Price of Las Vegas Homes Increased 50 Percent Since Start of Pandemic in 2020

LAS VEGAS, NV – According to historical data supplied by Las Vegas Realtors, the median price of a single-family home in Las Vegas has jumped a whopping 50 percent since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

In December 2019, the median price of a home in Southern Nevada was $312,990; at the time, the average national home sale price was $384,600.  

But fast-forward to October 2024, and the median price in Southern Nevada has now swelled to $475,531, an increase of $162,541 over pre-pandemic levels, and just shy of the region’s all-time record high of $482,000, originally set in May 2022; it also represents a 5.9 percent jump year-over-year from October 2023.

Meanwhile, the national median is now $501,100, an increase of approximately $116,500 from price levels at the start of the pandemic.

According to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, the rate of a 30-year fixed-rate home mortgage is currently at 6.7 percent; the last time this level was achieved prior to the pandemic was just before the mid-2000’s recession, when that number hit 6.6 percent.

Home sales in Southern Nevada were noticeably slower in 2024, but nonetheless showed a significant improvement over 2023, which saw the lowest number of sales in its real estate industry since 2008, when the Great Recession began.

Donald Trump’s impending return to the White House has the real estate community split down the middle in terms of whether if it will help or hurt the industry; the President-elect has promised to oversee an increase in home-building across the nation to address the ongoing housing crisis, in addition to loosening regulations in order to clear out red tape. However, some are worried that his vow to impose expensive tariffs upon imports could result in a spike of home construction prices.

Nonetheless, experts currently feel Las Vegas is in the process of becoming a balanced market between buyers and sellers; time will tell if this condition is sustained, or if the scales tip one way or the other.

Shelter Realty Property Management specializes in the areas of  HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

Home Prices in Las Vegas Set Yet Another Record

November Home Prices in Las Vegas Creep Within $2K of All-Time Record High

LAS VEGAS, NV – After lowering from the all-time high that was originally achieved in 2022, home prices in Las Vegas have been slowly but surely creeping back up to that lofty level, with November 2024’s numbers coming the closest yet to that record amount.

In November, the median price for a single-family home sold in Southern Nevada via Las Vegas Realtors’ Multiple Listings Service was $480,000, which represents a 6.7 percent jump over November 2023’s $450,000 median price; it is also now just $2,000 shy of May 2022’s all-time record high amount of $482,000.

Meanwhile, November’s median price for condominiums and townhomes was $301,250, a decrease from October’s all-time record high of $315,000, but still a 9.5 percent increase year-over-year.

Currently, Southern Nevada is in the grips of a housing crisis driven by a number of issues, such as high mortgage and interest rates, a dwindling amount of land that can be developed, and affluent buyers from neighboring states such as California whose big bank accounts are squeezing out locals when it comes to homebuying competition.

There is now an approximate three-and-a-half months’ supply of homes on the market in Las Vegas, which experienced its worst year for sales in 2023 since 2008; however, Las Vegas Realtors President Merri Perry said in a statement that the local real estate market in 2024 has improved and that she is hopeful that 2025 will bring much-needed stability to the region.

Increases in the number of homes available for sale and in the number of properties being sold this year are good signs for our housing market heading into 2025,” she said.

At the end of November, there were 5,570 single family homes listed on the Las Vegas market without any offers, which represents an increase of 28 percent year-over-year. In addition, there were 1,856 condos and townhomes listed without offers in November, a whopping 47.2 percent jump from the same period of time one year prior.

Shelter Realty Property Management specializes in the areas of  HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.


Homebuyers Under 25 Not Buying Houses in Las Vegas, Report Says

LAS VEGAS, NV – Members of Generation Z – which are comprised of individuals under the age of 25, or anyone born after 1997 – are the youngest segment of the nation’s homebuying community, and this demographic makes up the smallest percentage of those purchasing houses in Las Vegas, a new report says.

According to a new study from Construction Coverage, only 3.3 percent of all home mortgage loans were taken out in Las Vegas by members of Generation Z in 2023, the least of any age group in Southern Nevada; this goes below the national average for this specific demographic, which is 5 percent.

In contrast, Construction Coverage spokesperson Mike LaFirenza noted that the average age of homebuyers in the country has reached its highest level in years, signifying that younger generations are encountering difficulty in affording housing amid high prices and home loan interest rates.

Las Vegas’ high demand from older buyers creates stiff competition with the percentage of homebuyers aged 55 and older ranking third among large metros at 27.6 percent.” LaFirenza said. “This competition is particularly tough on younger homebuyers, who often lack pre-existing equity for their down payments, making their offers less competitive.”

Some experts say that Vegas’ overall lack of generational wealth, combined with many local occupations being in the service industry – which is not known for paying high wages at early, entry-level positions, with high-earners only achieving that status after achieving seniority – could be playing into the barriers that Gen Z is encountering.

Competition from affluent transplants from California are also figuring into the situation, as is the remote nature of portions of Nevada’s professional workforce, which do no necessitate the purchase of homes. And the median sale price for a single-family home threatening to set a new all-time record isn’t helping younger buyers, either, LaFirenza said.

Home prices have skyrocketed in the area, with the median sale price now over 50 percent higher than pre-pandemic levels,” he said. “Even with a relatively lower cost of living, the financial hurdles for younger buyers are substantial. With cost-of-living-adjusted incomes ranked 37th out of 53 large metros, Las Vegas’ affordability gap keeps ownership just out of reach for many in their early twenties.”

Shelter Realty Property Management specializes in the areas of  HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.