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Category Archive : Area Agents

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of Henderson, Las Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV.

New Rules Governing Real Estate Industry Go Into Effect, Could Complicate Home-Buying Process

LAS VEGAS, NV – New rules governing the United States real estate industry are going into effect this week that could potentially make the process of buying and selling a house – both in Las Vegas and nationwide – more difficult and complicated than before.

Now, before a prospective buyer can even receive a tour of a home that they are interested in, they will need to have a written contract in place with a real estate agent.

Previously, individuals selling homes typically offered a blanket commission to the buyer’s real estate agent when listing their home for sale on a multiple listing service (MLS). However, going forward this will no longer be permitted due to new rules that are going into effect as a result of federal class-action lawsuits against the National Association of Realtors (NAR).

A buyer will still have the option of negotiating compensation offers directly from the seller, but if they are turned down, the buyer would be responsible for paying for the services of the seller’s agent.

These changes are a result of a settlement the NAR reached in their lawsuit – along with a $418 million payout – which alleged that artificially inflated real estate agent commissions were being forced upon sellers across the nation upon the sale of their homes.

Going forward, as mentioned earlier in this article, agents who are representing clients with homes advertised on a MLS and their prospective buyers will need to have a contract in place for even a tour of a listed home to take place, which some sellers say may add a layer of confusion and difficulty to the buying process.

However, real estate experts are saying that at the end of the day, it is not expected that the market will see significant slowdown due to the new rules being implemented, aside from adding more steps to the homebuying process.

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

National Association of REALTORS

Distinguishing the Differences Between Real Estate Agents and Professional REALTORS®

LAS VEGAS, NV – To a novice, there are many aspects of the real estate industry that might remain a mystery to them, and experts say one of the most commonly asked questions they receive are from those inquiring about the differences between a real estate agent and a Realtor, with many people actually believing the two professions are one in the same. There are some very distinct differences, however, and we will briefly touch upon them in this article.

There is actually a large difference between real estate agents and Realtors. Simply put, real estate agents are licensed to buy and sell homes – much the same as a Realtor – but are not members of the National Association of REALTORS®(NAR), with the primary distinguishing factors between the two coming down to the certification, training, and professional standards required by the organization.

Members of NAR are held to a strict set of standards and a code of ethics – over and above what would be expected of a real estate agent – which revolves around the concept of “treating all parties honestly.” The professional standards of the organization are revised on an annual basis in order to incorporate any changes to laws and practices governing the industry, and a Realtor collaborates alongside local Realtor associations, unlike a real estate agent.

To put it in basic terms, not all real estate agents are Realtors, but all Realtors are real estate agents.

Real estate agents are required to take classes and pass a state exam that tests their knowledge of housing laws, sales, and purchases. They are expected to continue to take classes to keep their knowledge current and their license must be renewed every couple of years.

You must already be a licensed real estate agent to become a Realtor, taking the same classes and exams to keep your knowledge base current. However, being a Realtor comes with additional requirements over and above those that are expected of a real estate agent, including having a valid and active real estate license; actively working in the real estate business; having a record clear of official sanctions for unprofessional conduct; not having a recent or pending bankruptcy; and abiding by the professional standards imposed by NAR.

Real estate agents who are able to adhere to those requirements can then become a NAR member, officially making them a REALTORS®.

Abiding by NAR’s code of ethics of treating all parties involved in a transaction as fairly and honestly as possible is what has garnered Realtors the stellar reputation that they enjoy in the industry; it gives the clients and agents you are dealing with the comfort of knowing that you are looking out for their best interests throughout any transaction, and it is why some individuals prefer working with Realtors as opposed to real estate agents.

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

District Court, Northern District of Illinois

Las Vegas Real Estate Agents React to Pending Lawsuit That Could Change How Realtors Are Compensated

LAS VEGAS, NV – Real estate agents in Las Vegas – and, across the country – are paying very close attention to a current class action lawsuit filed by home sellers that, if successful, could have serious ramifications upon how realtors are compensated for the property transactions they handle. 

How compensation is currently handled for a real estate agent is that they are essentially paid the same commission from the seller regardless of their degree of experience; a newcomer will make the same exact amount as one that has been in the industry for many years. 

However, the plaintiffs in Moehrl v. National Association of Realtors (NAR) – a lawsuit filed in the state of Illinois against both NAR and several major real estate brokerage companies – argue that home buyers should pay for their own agents; this is opposed to the current practice in the industry, where the commission paid by the seller between buyer and seller agents is split, which the plaintiffs claim is anti-competitive. 

Speaking to a local Fox affiliate news station this week, Las Vegas-based real estate agent Steve Hawks expressed concerns that – should the plaintiffs prevail in their case – it could result in buyers being much choosier about who they work with, which could force many new real estate agents out of the industry altogether.  

If this lawsuit goes through, it would probably cut the agent count from 1.6 million to about 200,000,” he opined. “It’s going to impact agents that aren’t experienced.” 

Hawks said the reason that inexperienced realtors would be disproportionately affected in a negative way if the plaintiffs win their case is because if buyers are forced to shoulder the burden of paying fees in the event of a home sale, they will almost certainly want to go with an agent who has more experience in the field. 

If you’ve been in the business one day or 30 years, when you do a transaction on the MLS (Multiple Listing Services), you’re getting paid the same amount,” he said. “In the future, when the buyers see that it’s going to cost them money one way or the other with their agent, they’re going to start interviewing their buyer’s agent similarly to how sellers do their listing agent.” 

Jaime Solorzano is a newly licensed real estate agent in Las Vegas, and said that he isn’t worried about the outcome of the case considering how hot the local market is currently. 

It doesn’t scare me. There’s many obstacles you always have to overcome. That doesn’t put fear in me,” he said. “It’s actually going to become even better. People are attracted over here more. People are coming in often, often. Way more than usual.” 

Moehrl v. National Association of Realtors is expected to be decided at some point in 2024. 

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have. 

Move-In and Move-Out procedure

Checklist: 12 Steps to Get Comfortable in Your New Las Vegas Home After Relocation

LAS VEGAS, NV – Once you’ve unpacked your last box and organized your belongings in your new home, the most strenuous part of your relocation is finished. However, your move is not quite complete until you handle some essential tasks that will help you settle comfortably. Use this list of practical steps after you arrive in your new living environment:

Making Home Improvements

First, thoroughly inspect your new property to see if there are any necessary repairs or improvements you should tackle.

  1. Look for repairs and improvements you can DIY, such as painting the walls, replacing faucets, and changing out cabinet hardware.
  2. Consider hiring a professional to clean your furniture. Search for “professional furniture cleaning near me” and read reviews to find a trustworthy cleaner.
  3. Tend to your property’s curb appeal. Making upgrades to your landscaping, pressure washing and painting the siding, painting the front door, and other minor projects can make a big difference.
  4. Boost the security of your household and property by installing a smart security system.

Knocking Out the Necessities

Make sure you get these essential tasks out of the way soon after arriving at your new home:

  1. Find a DMV office nearby to update your license and registration.
  2. Register your new address with the post office, and confirm that your mail is being forwarded to the correct location.
  3. Make a list of all the local contacts you need handy should an emergency occur.
  4. Learn about state and local taxes and other costs of living so you can prepare a budget.

Settling Into the Community

Finally, it’s time to get to know your neighborhood and community so that you can truly settle in!

  1. Help your child transition smoothly into their new school routine.
  2. Meet the neighbors. Throwing a housewarming party and taking gifts door to door are a couple of the surest methods!
  3. Pick up a local newspaper or magazine to learn about your new community.
  4. Make a plan for trying out as many local restaurants and coffee shops as you can in the first month.

If you’re like most people after a move, you want to settle into your new home and community as soon as possible. The tips and resources above will help you do just that. After tackling home repairs and improvements, taking care of administrative tasks, and exploring your neighborhood and city, you’ll be primed to comfortably kick off your new chapter.

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

Rental Scam

New Online Home Rental Scam Making the Rounds, According to Las Vegas Realtor

LAS VEGAS, NV – According to reports, a new online home rental scam is making the rounds, and a Las Vegas realtor is warning people interested in becoming a tenant in the near future to be especially wary of deals that seem too good to be true.. because they most likely are..

Realtor Robert Hau notes that the individuals perpetrating this new scam are taking the hard-earned money of people that have been lured in with promises of a cheap home rental, and the especially devious part? The scammers don’t even own the home in question.

Hau relayed an instance where crooks listed one of his own Las Vegas-based rental properties on Facebook – even using his listing photos – at an absolute steal of a price – a three bedroom, 1,300 square-foot home for $900 per month. For this kind of a deal, who wouldn’t jump, considering how in-demand housing is in Vegas currently, especially when it’s this cheap?

What made the home in question a target was because it was in escrow at the time; since it was vacant, it was easier to use as scam bait, Hau said. This way a con-man can have a prospective renter meet him at the property, and get the victim to give them money in the form of a deposit, an application fee, or anything they can soak them for.

The Nevada State Apartment Association offers several tips for renters looking to avoid getting scammed, such using safer sites for house-hunting such as Zillow or It’s also advisable to visit the Clark County assessor’s website to confirm the identity of the property owner so you know if something funny is happening or if someone else meets you at the house.

And finally, never use cash for any fees or deposits – always use a cashier’s check, money order, or credit card.

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

Realtor Showing

Experts Encouraging Las Vegas Residents Looking to Switch Careers to Consider Real Estate

LAS VEGAS, NV – Real estate experts are reporting that home-buying in Las Vegas is reaching a fever pitch, and are recommending that residents who are looking to change careers in the near future to consider real estate, as things will likely get even better when the COVID-19 pandemic eventually comes to an end.

With a large influx of people into Southern Nevada looking to take advantage of record-low mortgage rates, low inventory, and the low cost of living when compared to many other regions of the United States, real estate in Las Vegas is already bouncing back from the pandemic far more quickly than first anticipated. Demand is so great, experts say, that buyers are getting so competitive with one another that many are actually skipping property inspections, buying homes sight unseen, and even paying well over the appraised value.

However, when the pandemic finally comes to an end, thousands more homes are expected to enter the marketplace when eviction moratoriums – put into place both locally and federally to aid those financially impacted by COVID – finally come to an end and foreclosures start happening en masse.

While waiting for eviction moratoriums to eventually end, experts say, an individual looking to get into real estate could be working on their license, which can be obtained in only four to five months.

The rapid economic growth exhibited by Las Vegas prior to the pandemic is another reason people should be considering entering the real estate field, experts say, as the region is bringing in many big-league corporations, and professional sports teams who are attracted by the businesses-friendly climate Nevada offers.

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

Capital Hill

$1.4 Trillion Federal Funding Bill Just Signed Includes Several Provisions Beneficial to Realtors

LAS VEGAS, NV – This week, President Trump signed a $738 billion Federal spending bill for the 2020 Fiscal Year into law that averts a government shutdown and provides funding for numerous essential services as well as instituting several new aspects, such as granting federal employees paid parental leave and authorizing the official creation of a new branch of the military- Space Force.

However, there were several other, less publicized aspects of the spending bill that will prove very beneficial to realtors across the country; three in particular, in fact, that National Association of Realtors (NAR) President Vince Malta said installed “Confidence and stability” into America’s housing market and economy.

First up is a nine-month extension of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The program enables property owners in participating communities to purchase government- administered insurance protection against losses from flooding, and this extension ensures that policies will continue to be issued and renewed through September 30, 2020, during which time NAR hopes Congress will be using it as a stepping stone towards a 5-year re-authorization of NFIP with significant reforms included to ensure that the programs remain both affordable and sustainable. 

Next is the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program (TRIP), which received a seven-year re-authorization. This bill was originally signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2002 in response to the September 11 attacks, creating a federal “backstop” for insurance claims related to acts of terrorism. Without the protections this bill affords, numerous aspects of the real estate industry would face hazards in terms of financing, especially when it comes to commercial developments. NAR has been a strong and vocal supporter of the re-authorization of TRIP.

And finally, three tax provisions directly impacting the real estate industry – that originally had all expired at the close of 2017 – were granted temporary extensions through the end of 2020; these extensions are all retroactive to the beginning of 2018. First, forgiven mortgage debt is excluded from gross income; this means that property owners who sell their primary residence for a price that falls short of the debts secured by liens against the property will not have to pay taxes on the forgiven amount. Next, premiums for mortgage insurance can continue to be deducted. And third, “green” improvements to commercial structures for the sake of making them more energy-efficient also remain tax-deductible.

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

Raiders Rendering

Recent Sporting Team Exodus to Las Vegas Having Impact on Housing Market

LAS VEGAS, NV – According to recent reports, the recent influx of high-profile professional sporting teams to Las Vegas – including the Raiders NFL team in 2020 – has created a unique atmosphere in the region for real estate salespeople; the idea of wealthy athletes looking to transplant themselves into their new home town, and looking to do it in (expensive) style, can make for good career ideas.

Realtors have been looking forward to the very real possibility of high-paid members of numerous sporting teams seeking to purchase multi-million-dollar homes in the Las Vegas area, even going so far as attending recent seminars giving insight on dealing with athletes and their unique – and at times, difficult – housing needs.

While some athletes are looking to spend millions of dollars on a fancy home, others – who may not have many years left on their contracts or are not as high-paid as others – are looking for something a bit easier to do away with once their time in Southern Nevada is up.

Nonetheless, the recent exodus of high-profile sports teams to Vegas has the potential to make Realtors serious money; reports indicate that with the Raiders taking up permanent residence in Vegas come their 2020 season, demand from players – already used to jet-setting lifestyles – for luxury homes and condos in proximity to the famed Las Vegas Strip will be high. Even the lowest-paid NFL player makes the league minimum of $500,000, so there will likely be money to burn on the part of the Raiders players once they arrive.

In addition, with the ongoing construction of the team’s corporate headquarters and practice facility in Henderson, the entire Raiders management and support staff will be making the move to Vegas as well, opening up even more high-cost housing needs that Realtors will need to satisfy. Raiders quarterback Derek Carr, coach Jon Gruden, and president Marc Badain, have all already purchased homes near the team’s Henderson practice facility, and more are sure to come in the months ahead.

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

Las Vegas City Council Stiffens Penalties for Squatting or Aiding Squatters; Organizes Dedicated Squatter Task Force

LAS VEGAS, NV – The Las Vegas real estate scene is hot right now; according to reports, demand is far outstripping supply in terms of both housing and rental units, with prices soaring and continuing to increase ever since the Southern Nevada area has recovered from the housing bubble burst of the mid-2000’s. Jobs are increasing, the economy is stabilizing and beginning to flourish, and big-name businesses such as Amazon and the NFL are setting up shop in the region, galvanizing current residents and inviting a virtual flood of newcomers from out-of-state looking for a fresh start.

While these factors are no doubt a good thing for Las Vegas, the latest real estate boom has brought a negative with it that local officials are currently scrambling to combat- squatters, people who break into vacant or empty dwellings and live there illegally until they are removed by property owners or authorities. There are a number of reasons squatting is an issue in Las Vegas currently, but while homelessness is an issue that any major city has to deal with in one way or another, the main reasons have already been touched upon in this article- the general lack of housing options and the ever-rising prices of the ones that are currently available.

In Las Vegas, however, the issue of squatting is increased by the fact that the mid-2000’s housing crisis has left numerous homes simply abandoned or foreclosed upon; more so than the national norm at the moment, and thus ripe for the picking by anyone looking for a place to crash illegally. But while squatting to some may merely appear to be a harmless pursuit of somewhere to live, to others – legitimate property owners – it’s proven to be a hardship, and one that local government is looking to address in a hurry.

One area couple, according to reports, has been involved in a nearly year-long dispute with a number of squatters that have been regularly breaking into a former office that they had previously used for a family business; despite sinking money into boarding up the property and constantly calling the police, the couple nonetheless noted that in the last several years, there have been at least 30 break-ins, and that their patience is wearing thin to the point that they are considering selling rather than deal with the headache.

Recently, people squatting in a downtown Las Vegas house caused a fire in the dwelling, causing approximately $75,000 in damage before local fire department crews were able to get the blaze under control. Thankfully, the damage was contained to the individual property in question; no injuries were reported, and the fire prevented from spreading to other adjacent units. Some area realtors have actually started carrying weapons when visiting properties listed for sale, just in case they have an untimely – yet rare – encounter with a squatter; more often than not, they simply walk into the aftermath of their unwanted presence, consisting of discarded food and clothing items, and occasionally, minor damage to walls, doors, or cabinets.

Although squatting is mostly contained to small, specific areas at the moment, local officials are looking to head off the problem before it becomes more widespread and problematic; especially as it related to maintaining local property values. The Las Vegas city council is currently putting together a registry that identifies and classifies currently vacant homes that run the risk of being taken over by squatters, and then taking steps to secure those properties, which typically consist of ones that have been abandoned or foreclosed upon and are currently in-between owners and, thus, are not currently subject to regular use by legitimate parties.

In addition, the City Council has passed laws stiffening penalties for squatting and/or aiding squatters, and has organized a dedicated squatter task force that allows officials to not only keep up with the activities of potential squatters, but actually keep ahead of them. In addition, more work is being done, including setting up coordination across municipalities in order to form an organized front against such activities. In the meantime, real estate experts suggest not advertising a property as being vacant with a for sale sign on the front lawn or window, and to refrain from posting the street address of any available property on a publicly-accessible real estate website.

Need real estate information on the fast-evolving Las Vegas market? Free residential market appraisal? Property management assistance for investment homes in the area? Please feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

How Your Las Vegas Real Estate Agent Can Help You Price Your Home Competitively

One of the most important services a Las Vegas seller’s agent can perform for his client is to set a realistic and competitive market price on a client’s for sale property. Setting a price that will satisfy the seller, and simultaneously attract eager buyers is no easy task, particularly under current market conditions.

Trying to price your Las Vegas Home on your own is going to be a hit or miss project. You will need to expend a lot of time checking out the neighborhood, and you won’t have the resources and up-to-date data available to a professional real estate agent.

The first thing your appointed real estate representative will do is to explore his/her MLS database to find listings and sales of comparable homes in your immediate neighborhood, usually within a half mile radius. Your Las Vegas Realtor will check for homes similar in age, and square footage to yours, access to major thoroughfares, etc.

Your real estate agent will also:

  • Pull information on similar homes that may have been taken off the market and re-listed
  • Determine price reductions and ratios by comparison of listing to sales prices
  • Adjust pricing to reflect comparative upgrades and lot size
  • Investigate pending sales of neighborhood homes for asking price, sold price, time on market, etc. Since these properties are sold but have not yet closed, some of this information might possibly be obtained from the listing agents
  • Analyze similar unsold homes in the neighborhood whose listings have expired or have been withdrawn in order to uncover similarities in why they did not sell. This information could be very helpful to the agent in developing a marketing plan for the client
  • After all the relevant data has been collected, your agent will then discuss with you the overall marketing plan, such as how the property will be advertised, and set an asking price for the home based on the researched data, stock of present inventory, and reflecting current market conditions

Certainly, it is easy to see how much time, experience, expertise, and access to the necessary data it takes to properly market and sell a home, and how important it is to have professional guidance in advertising, pricing, negotiating, and selling the average person’s most valuable asset.

So, if anyone tells you it’s a waste of money to pay an agent’s commission to list and market your home, that person is obviously badly misinformed as to what a dedicated and knowledgeable Las Vegas Real Estate Agent can do for a client.

It could be a costly mistake for you to attempt to price your home based on skimpy data, or on what you think your house is worth, and have the property sit unsold until you realize, particularly in this current so-called “buyers market” that you really do need the help of a professional realtor.

If you need the assistance of a professional real estate agent, feel free to give us a call at 702.376.0088 or reply below.

Las Vegas Agents: Why Are You Paying Franchise Fees?

Is it necessary to hang your Las Vegas Real Estate License with a franchise company like a Century 21?  I thought so.  When I got into the business back in 2001, I hung my license with a Century 21 franchise in Henderson, Nevada.  I really didn’t realize the cost of doing business at a franchise like Century 21 until I received my first closing check.  Being a new agent, I was on a 50/50 split but I didn’t realize I lost an additional 6% for the franchise fee.  How is that a 50/50 split?  After a few more closings, I sat down and looked at my options.  Was I really receiving a benefit hanging my license at a franchise like Century 21?  Was it really worth 6% on every transaction I closed just to hang my license at a brand name real estate company?

Maybe a few years ago it did make sense to hang your real estate license with a franchise like Century 21 but in today’s real estate market, it makes no sense.  The shift to the Internet has leveled the playing field in the real estate industry.  Buyers are using the Internet to search for homes and sellers are using it to find a real estate agent who can sell their home.  This is why I don’t understand why a Las Vegas Real Estate Agent would hang their license at a franchise that charges 6% for every transaction they close like a Century 21.

Let’s look at another example of why it doesn’t make sense.  Las Vegas home prices peaked in June 2006 with a median price of $315K and currently the median home price is $141K.  The average real estate commission in today’s real estate market is $4,230 compared to $9,450 in 2006.  Anyone that loses that kind of income is going to notice a serious hit to their pocket book.  With that kind of loss of income, why would you keep paying the same fees you were paying in 2006?  Your fees are still the same but your income isn’t.

In today’s Las Vegas Real Estate Market, if you are going to hang your real estate license at a real estate brokerage, you better be receiving something of value.  Whether it be low monthly licensing fee, real estate leads or a generous split, it needs to make financial sense.  The cost of doing business has not decreased, so every dime you can cut from your expenses is very important.

Every dollar you make from your real estate business is very important and to give away a few hundred dollars per closing just to be associated with a brand name company is not worth it.  Like I said earlier, I hung my license for over 4 years with a Century 21 Franchise that charged me a franchise fee on every transaction I closed.  I must have given away over $10K dollars during that 4 year period and for what.  Since I started my real estate brokerage, Shelter Realty, Inc., I never had a client tell me they wouldn’t work with me because I wasn’t associated with a brand name real estate company.

So back to my original question, why are you giving away a few hundred dollars in franchise fees on every transaction just to be associated with a brand name brokerage?

If you are a Las Vegas real estate agent whose interested in joining our real estate team, we have opportunities for you.  For more information, fill out the form on our Las Vegas Real Estate Career page or call us at 702.376.7379.

Things Your Realtor Can’t Tell You

When I’m driving with Buyers showing them properties in Las Vegas they inevitably ask me a question I can’t answer. I am not trying to be evasive I just can’t answer them without the risk of being sued, fined and/or having my license revoked. What I am writing about here is mostly in response to Fair Housing laws and the governments attempt to eliminate discrimination in Real Estate/Lending.

The first important definition to understand is a practice called steering. Steering is “the illegal funneling of home buyers to particular areas based on a desire to keep the make up of a neighborhood the same or intentionally change it” (definition provided by The second important definition to understand is the practice of Redlining. This term was coined when lenders actually drew a redline on a map and refused to lend money to people buying in that area.  The lenders argued that they were unacceptably risky areas to lend in. The lenders lost that argument on the grounds that they were discriminating against people based on racial and income profiles.

So please don’t ask me (or your Realtor) if there are a large percentage of one type of people (read: Race) or another in a particular neighborhood. Even if I knew (which I usually don’t) I won’t tell you anyway. There are decent demographic statistics at the US Census bureau’s website if you are interested in such things (and the new census starts in 2010). The same goes for me offering specific information about various religious buildings in the area (I can’t do it, look on the Internet). Ditto in regards to school ratings, environmental issues and crime statistics. Two good ways to get a feel for a neighborhood is to drive the area and talk to the neighbors.

A Realtor is also prohibited from disclosing confidential information about their clients to anyone other then their broker (for a certain period of time). The exceptions being unless they are ordered by a court of law or given written permission by the client. The reason why I mention this is sometimes the Realtor can be representing both the buyer and the seller. In this case, the Realtor has to walk a fine line as to what he or she can reveal to whom.

Fortunately, we live in an age of abundant information. If you know where to look you can find almost anything on the Internet. Want to know how much the seller paid for the house, look at your county recorders website for their property tax records. Want to know how many sex offenders live in the area, you can go to Family Watchdog website. School information can be had at the National Center for Education Statistics website. I often tell my mother, “don’t be afraid to try things on your computer, it will stop you before you do something stupid”. I suggest a similar thing to you, if you want to know something about a neighborhood (and I can’t tell you), ask a search engine.

My name is Greg Hoffman and I have lived in Las Vegas since 1990. I have been a Realtor here since 1999. I welcome your comments good, bad  or indifferent.