LAS VEGAS, NV – In a recent research report, financial analysis firm Moody’s noted that out of the numerous states feeling the pinch due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, Nevada is the one most likely to be hit the hardest financially.
The spread of the coronavirus is making it difficult for experts to pin-point all of the specific factors that can determine what regions will be hit harder than others in terms of statewide economy. However, Moody’s research focused on several key factors – including demographics, trade and travel, tourism, finance, and commodities – and they have used those factors to determine the areas that are most assuredly to be the hardest hit financially.
Unfortunately, Nevada – and the city of Las Vegas in particular – is forecast to be the most affected, due to the fact that it relies on the lucrative tourism industry more than most states. As a result of non-essential business closures and stay-at-home orders instituted by state officials in the early days of the pandemic in order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 – the respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus – the city has already suffered great financial losses.
This early and deep impact upon Vegas’ economy does not bode well for the speed of its recovery, according to Moody’s Analytics Chief Economist Mark Zandi.
“If you’re getting hit hard now and businesses are failing, and there’s bankruptcy and people are taking on debt or starting to default on debt, it’s going to be harder for those economies to recover,” he said. “So the No. 1 criteria for determining who recovers more gracefully will be who gets hit least hard during this period.”
Hawaii and Washington come in at number two and three, respectively, as states that are expected to experience severe financial woes due to the impact of the coronavirus upon the tourism industry. New York also ranks highly on the list, and currently contains the most cases of COVID-19 out of anywhere else in the nation.
In contrast, West Virginia and Missouri have seen the least coronavirus exposure – at least for the time being – and as a result their economies have been damaged far less, making their eventual recovery a less arduous task. But given the nature of the coronavirus outbreak, these factors and their effect upon statewide economies are subject to change as time goes on.
Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of Henderson, Las Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.