LAS VEGAS, NV – According to recent reports, a law focusing on “tenant rights” in Las Vegas passed in 2019 has already resulted in a marked decrease in the number of evictions filed by landlords and property managers for the first time in ten years. In 2019, approximately 30,000 summary eviction cases were filed in Las Vegas Justice Court, which represents a 7 percent decrease from the prior year and the lowest number since 2016. Senate Bill 151 (SD 151) – legislation that increased the amount of time a tenant had to pay overdue rent from five to seven business days, in addition to offering other protections – was signed into law in July 2019, and that same month’s records indicate an immediate impact – July’s evictions alone dropped 30 percent compared to the same period in 2018.
However, in contrast, more evictions were filed in December 2019 than the previous December, with numbers expected to continue to rise in 2020, experts say. Judging by those statistics, some could argue that SB 151 – even with the extra leeway it gives tenants – is merely delaying the inevitable and hurting landlords in the process, as opposed to helping hard-working people in their time of need.
The most significant aspects of SB 151 are a 5 percent cap on late fees when it comes to overdue monthly rent; tenants are now given up to 5 days to re-enter a vacated home or apartment in order to retrieve what the bill refers to as “essential personal effects” before they are permanently locked out; and an increase of the approved “pay or quit” eviction notice time period from five days to seven. In addition, landlords can no longer serve an eviction notice themselves; now, only a sheriff, constable, or licensed process server may do so.
SB 151 has proven deeply unpopular with landlords and property management companies, who claim that the law is essentially taking money out of their pockets while allowing disreputable tenants to “game the system” and further put off paying their rent on-time. In contrast, others – including the Nevada Coalition of Legal Service Providers – have applauded the bill, claiming that it is leading to less strain on courts and allows people to stay in their homes.
Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of Henderson, Las Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.