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Category Archive : Rentals

Short-Term Rental

Following Random Drawing, Clark County to Send Out Notices to Short-Term Rental Pre-Applicants

LAS VEGAS, NV – Clark County will be sending out notices to potential short-term rental applicants following the recent conclusion of a random lottery drawing, with anyone who submitted a pre-application slated to receive their results within eight weeks via certified mail and e-mail; an extended span of time that is causing frustration for many would-be renters.

Among those who pre-applied to run a short-term rental within the confines of Clark County, 1,169 of those applications were deemed as eligible, whereas 137 were declared ineligible.

Among the reasons for failing to qualify as a short-term operator that were cited by county officials included the property being located within 2,500 feet of a resort hotel; being located outside of unincorporated Clark County; being located in an ineligible township; and being located within a building that is classified as a timeshare or vacation home.

Despite the fact that county regulations mandate that all licensed short-term rentals maintain a minimum distance of 1,000 feet from one another, no distance requirements were mentioned after the lottery drawing.

The 1,169 pre-applicants who were successfully drawn in the lottery will be allowed to submit an official application to become licensed as a short-term rental owner operator upon receipt of their notice.

However, the eight-week delay in the notices going out is causing confusion among pre-applicants who are uncertain whether or not to begin making plans for the future, according to Greater Las Vegas Shorter Term Rental Association co-founder Louis Koorndyk.

“The host community is very frustrated with Clark County. They’re trying to make plans; they’re trying to plan their future. They’re trying to figure out, what do we do with this property?” he said. “Expedia has been reaching out to us and asked us questions. They’ve even emailed us saying, look, we’ve seen licensing process put in effect across the country. We haven’t seen anything take this long before.”

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

Las Vegas Turning into a Renter

Is Las Vegas Turning into a Renter’s Market? Experts Weigh In

LAS VEGAS, NV – Numerous listings for rental properties in Las Vegas are showing that landlords and property managers in increasing numbers are offering various incentives to draw in tenants, a situation that until recently was not the norm. This situation is begging experts to question if Southern Nevada is slowly transitioning into a renter’s market after years of skyrocketing rents and low vacancy,

Kiara Ringgenberg and her boyfriend were moving in April from Helix on Alta Drive to Ely at Fremont Street in downtown Las Vegas, and were surprised to discover that their new landlord was only too happy to go out of their way to accommodate their moving schedule.

We were going to move in May since that’s when our lease was ending, but we wanted to move sooner rather than later,” she said. “Ely offered us two weeks of no rent to get us moved in on the timeline we wanted.”

In addition to the free rent, Ringgenberg also noted that Ely now also offers tenants free passes each month to local events that provide food and entertainment, a growing situation in Las Vegas as of late.

Listings for multifamily developments in Las Vegas recently are offering more and more perks to lure in or retain tenants, reports say, such as a free month’s rent or parking, echoing trends that are occurring across the United States.

According to real estate listing company Zillow, approximately 27 percent of rentals who advertise via its platform are offering at least one concession or more, representing a 6 percent increase when compared to the same period of time in 2022.

In Las Vegas rents decreased by 2.2 percent year-over-year during the first quarter of 2023; the average rent in the valley is now $1,430 per month.

According to the Nevada State Apartment Association (NSAA), renters in Las Vegas are currently getting a bit of an edge in the housing market due to high interest rates that have resulted in a “decrease in rent prices with growth in available units.”

Reasons for this shift include upcoming inventory increases, current vacancies and changes in renter patterns,” the NSAA said. “It is not uncommon, when these trends exist in a market, for landlords to offer concessions to renters to incentivize them to renew their lease or to attract new tenants to a unit. These concessions could include a free month of rent, reduced security or rent deposits, upgraded parking or more.”

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

Henderson megamansion

Why Buy A Mansion When You Can Rent One – Henderson Megamansion Available For $100,000 A Month?

HENDERSON, NV – One of the most appealing parts of living or spending time in Las Vegas is the feeling of luxury. While some permanent residents opt to purchase large homes in the area, rental properties can also pack the same iconic Las Vegas glitz and glam. 

For instance, just outside of Las Vegas sits the most expensive rental in the area — a 15,000-square-foot megamansion. The sprawling complex sits on over 2 acres of land in Henderson

Along with a great, unobstructed view of the strip, the property also features a stunning look at the surrounding mountains. However, the amenities of the megamansion don’t stop there, as the compound also boasts unique features like an 18-car garage and a chef’s kitchen with two islands. 

Those looking to enjoy the great outdoors can do so by taking a dip in the property’s 50-foot-long edgeless pool. Once finished soaking, the spa is the perfect relaxation spot before heading inside. 

Potential tenants who love to entertain will be happy to hear the mansion has a rooftop party deck with beautiful views of the area, especially at night when the strip shines the brightest. The deck area also features a pizza oven and a barbeque area for grilling.

The inside of the home has room for multiple family members with access to seven bedrooms and 11 bathrooms. Families with kids and teenagers will notice many fun areas of the house for everyone to enjoy including:

  • Bowling alley
  • Movie theater room
  • Indoor basketball court
  • Wet bars and wine closets with wine or soda on tap

If you and your family are looking for a dream house that embodies Las Vegas, this megamansion is a great place to visit. 

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

Clark County

Clark County Votes to Update “Unconstitutional” and “Vague” Short-Term Rental Ordinance

LAS VEGAS, NV – Officials in Clark County Nevada unanimously voted Tuesday to amend their ordinances governing short-term rentals within its jurisdiction in order to update regulations that a judge had previously ruled to be unconstitutional.

Previously, a lawsuit filed by the Greater Las Vegas Short-Term Rental Association (GLVSTRA) had resulted in a preliminary injunction being imposed by District Court Judge Jessica Peterson, who had ruled that certain aspects of Clark County’s short term rental ordinances regulating the local industry were “vague” and “unconstitutional.” 

County attorney Lisa Logsdon said this week the commissioners agreed to clean up the language in their guidelines, noting that the county “took many of the court’s suggestions in drafting these amendments to ensure that the amendments address the court’s concerns with the ordinance.”

The changes to the ordinance are as follows:

  • Renters are no longer required to sign applications under penalty of perjury.
  • Inspectors must now provide 48 hours’ notice before showing up to inspect a property; previously, no advance notice was required.
  • Large parties are still forbidden at short term rental properties, but the previously “vague” definition of what constitutes a large party has been stricken from the regulations.
  • The county will now rely on existing code that regulates noise, lighting and air-quality standards.

However, GLVSTRA President and Director Jacqueline Flores issued a statement reacting to the news of Clark County’s revisions to their ordinance, saying that she did not believe they would be sufficient to alleviate the concerns of the over 700 homeowners that her organization represents.

“Many of those amendments do very little to fix the infirmities the Court has serious issues with and in other cases the County just didn’t fix some of the Sections at all,” she said. “The County is doing very little or nothing at all to satisfy the unconstitutionality of those provisions.” 

Logsdon noted that Clark County officials are eager to arrive at an agreement that would satisfy GLVSTRA’s lawsuit, saying that the district attorney’s office had requested that the association draft a “written settlement offer” and submit it for their consideration. 

Flores responded that there was a lack of interest on the part of Clark County commissioners last month to discuss a potential settlement, but noted that if their attitude is now different, she would be willing to discuss it with them.

“If the County Commissioners have now changed their mind, then we welcome that conversation,” she said.

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.


Nevada Legislature Introduces New Bill That Would Require Landlords to File Affidavit Before Eviction

LAS VEGAS, NV – The Nevada Legislature last week introduced Assembly Bill 340, which, if passed, will change how landlords in Nevada can evict tenants from their properties by forcing them to first file an affidavit in court before they are allowed to start the eviction process

AB 340 was presented to the Nevada Legislature Assembly Judiciary Committee last Wednesday, with the sponsors of the legislation saying that its intent is to protect tenants in the state who are struggling to keep up with increases in their rent.

A local organization backing the bill, Battle Born Progress, said that it would give tenants more time to respond to an eviction request by mandating landlords to file a court order before they can serve an eviction notice.

“If a landlord needs to evict a tenant that can still happen,” said Battle Born Progress representative Will Pregman. “But there needs to be an ability for the tenant to reasonably respond to it.”

But while some groups are supporting the bill, many others are criticizing it; Derek Moellinger of Vice Realty Group, which manages apartment complexes, issued a statement condemning AB 340 while also referencing a previous piece of pandemic-era legislation – AB 486, set to expire in June – which stays an eviction proceeding if a tenant has an application for rental assistance pending.

“Landlords have been destroyed in the state because of AB 486. Now the state seeks to further damage landlords with this new bill. I am an investor and I manage almost 1000 properties and I will not put one dollar of my own money into Nevada,” he said. “I counsel every one of my investors to move out of this state and move to a state that actually has fair eviction laws. Right now, in Nevada a tenant can claim to have applied for rental assistance and with that claim, whether true or not, the eviction process will take a minimum of six months and can go as long as a year. During that entire time, the landlord receives no money; and when the tenant finally moves out, the landlord has no recourse to regain any of that lost money. The tenant can then break back into the unit and it is not considered a crime. It’s a civil matter, and the landlord must go back to court and try to remove this person again.”

“These are the kinds of laws that landlords have to deal with in Nevada right now and it’s insane to me that the state wants to further punitively damage landlords when housing is the scarcest resource Nevada has,” Moellinger continued. “You have Investors like me and my friends who have millions of dollars at their disposal and refuse to spend a dollar of it in Nevada anymore. We used to be the reasons blocks were repaired and we were the reason tenants were placed. We were the reason things improved for low-income people. Now it’s a disaster in this state and it’s only going to get worse because the state is chasing away the only people who are willing to actually make a difference, which are owners.”

AB 340 would have to be approved by the state assembly and senate before it could be signed into law by Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo.

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.


Clark County Holds Lottery to Rank Applicants for Short-Term Rentals

LAS VEGAS, NV – Last week, Clark County held a lottery to rank applicants for potential licenses to operate short term rentals via services such as Airbnb and Vrbo, although a group representing rental operators criticized the drawing, calling it unnecessary and confusing.

Greater Las Vegas Short-Term Rental Association (GLVSTRA) President Jacqueline Flores complained about the lottery, essentially calling it a waste of time.

“It is important to highlight that the Clark County Short Term Rental Lottery today will serve no purpose other than to merely establish the order in which applications will be reviewed by the County staff,” she said. “This is not what will ultimately determine who will get a license.”

The lottery, which was held on March 29 in a closed-door meeting that was streamed online and broadcast on local public television stations, placed the 1,306 forms that the county had received over the course of a six-month application process into a “random number selector.” However, while officials have yet to reveal how many licenses they will ultimately grant to applicants, they have clarified that they will not exceed 1 percent of the county’s existing “housing stock.”

The lottery – carried out by Smartplay International Inc., with the results tallied by consulting firm Baker Tilly U.S. LLP – took place despite a preliminary injunction having been imposed by District Court Judge Jessica Peterson, who had ruled that certain aspects of Clark County’s short term rental ordinances regulating the local industry where “vague” and “unconstitutional.”

That injunction came as a result of a lawsuit filed against the county by GLVSTRA, which has petitioned the Nevada Supreme Court to rule on the case. Currently, Clark County officials are attempting to make changes to the short-term rental ordinances that were struck down by the District Court judge last month.

Before Clark County began the process of establishing legal short-term rentals within its boundaries, officials estimated that there had been previously as many as 10,000 homes without permits being rented out illegally.

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

Short-Term Rentals

Clark County to Change Some Short-Term Rental Rules While Owners Appeal to State Supreme Court

LAS VEGAS, NV – Despite the fact that Clark County officials have recently stated they plan to make changes to some of the rules governing the short-term rental industry within their jurisdiction, that doesn’t appear to be enough for the Greater Las Vegas Short-Term Rental Association (GLVSTRA), which has announced they want the Nevada Supreme Court to rule on whether or not the short-term regulations county officials have laid in place are constitutional or not.

GLVSTRA has been engaging in a legal battle with Clark County regarding what they refer to as overly strict and intrusive ordinances put in place regarding homes rented through services such as Airbnb and Vrbo. In February, District Court Judge Jessica Peterson ruled that aspects of the ordinances are unconstitutional and issued a preliminary injunction to temporarily block them.

Sections of Clark County’s ordinances that Peterson declared unconstitutional included a clause that mandated that those seeking to establish a short-term rental must sign their application under penalty of perjury; in addition, random inspections of rental properties with no notice, vague definitions over what is considered a party” or a “disturbance,” and the ability of the county to issue “discretionary fines and penalties” were also temporarily struck down by last month’s ruling.

Despite clearing that legal hurdle, GLVSTRA appealed to the Nevada Supreme Court this week because they say their full array of claims against Clark County were not addressed by the District Court Judge’s ruling, according to GLVSTRA President Jacqueline Flores.

Flores said that her organization takes particular exception to Clark County’s use of a lottery system to determine which short-term rental applicants will be granted licenses, in addition to requirements mandating specific minimum distances between rental properties and hotels.

Despite attempts to sit down and hash things out with Clark County officials, Flores said the two sides were unable to come to a fair and equitable arrangement, thus necessitating the organization’s move to appeal the case to the state’s highest court.

“We have been trying to work with the county commissioners in good faith and they have refused to do that so far,” Flores said. “We need a Nevada Supreme Court ruling. That way we’re able to address all those municipalities at the same time, and ultimately the entire state.”

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

Many of these people have already been negatively impacted by illegal short-term rentals in their communities, many of which are leased to groups who hold loud, disruptive parties; as a result, many who have given their opinions on possible regulations are split regarding their desire to even have rentals in their neighborhoods.

Las Vegas Officials Crack Down on Airbnb Parities During Spring Break, Police Conduct Random Spot Checks

LAS VEGAS, NV – In an effort to crack down on potentially disruptive and loud partying during spring break season, Las Vegas police have been conducting unannounced and random spot checks on short term rental properties to ensure that occupants are adhering to local laws and ordinances and not creating a disturbance for their neighbors. 

Reports indicate that police have been showing up to properties rented out through services such as Airbnb and Vrbo throughout the city and unexpectedly knocking on doors, reminding the short-term renters within that holding loud parties or allowing underage drinking is illegal and will be enforced if encountered by authorities. 

Police noted that the large increase in spot checks is a common department policy during periods of time such as spring break where excessive partying is anticipated. 

However, the validity of the spot checks have been questioned by the Greater Las Vegas Short Term Rental Association (GLVSTRA), with the organization claiming they have not been receiving any complaints from neighbors of short-term rental properties in the city.  

At a time when Las Vegas faces a shortage of police officers, the county should be far more interested and concerned on using these officers to answer emergency calls from residents and reducing response time for far more serious issues in the Valley,” GLVSTRA said. 

Proposed rules and ordinances governing Airbnb and Vrbo rentals have been a regular bone of contention between Clark County officials and the short-term rental industry. In particular, Clark County has ordinances in place that ban holding large parties, weddings, and other events on short-term rental properties where the attendance would exceed the maximum occupancy limit of the dwelling in question. 

However, in February a Clark County District Judge ruled that the county’s definition of what constitutes a “party or wedding” was worded in a way as to make it “vague and ambiguous.” 

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.


Judge Rules Aspects of Clark County Short-Term Rental Regulations Unconstitutional

LAS VEGAS, NV – Following a lawsuit filed by the Greater Las Vegas Short-Term Rental Association (GLVSTRA), aspects of Clark County’s new regulations governing the local short-term rental industry have been ruled by a District Court judge as being unconstitutional.

GLVSTRA’s lawsuit sought to temporarily block a law set into place in the form of a Nevada legislature bill known as AB 363, which added new ordinances in June 2022 regulating short term rentals in the state. In turn, unincorporated Clark County was subsequently tasked with handling oversight of the industry within its borders and was mandated to create their own set of regulations.

However, GLVSTRA founder Jackie Flores said that the new regulations – both on a local and state level – clearly infringe upon the rights of property owners who wish to rent out their residences via services such as Airbnb and Vrbo.

Last week, Judge Jessica Peterson granted GLVSTRA a temporary injunction. The regulations that have been ruled unconstitutional include signing the business license application under penalty of perjury, inspections with little or no notice, vague definitions of what constitutes a “party” or a disturbance, and the issuance of “discretionary fines and penalties.”

“The Court specifically finds that certain provisions within the Ordinance are unconstitutionally vague and overbroad and fail to provide notice sufficient to enable a person of ordinary intelligence to understand what conduct is prohibited,” Judge Peterson wrote in her ruling. “Accordingly, the provisions of the Ordinance identified in this Order shall hereinafter be enjoined from enforcement and implementation.”

However, the injunction does not stop Clark County from issuing licenses, with the six-month application process concluding in March; over 500 individuals have applied for a short-term rental license so far.

Judge Peterson’s orders are separate from GLVSTRA’s lawsuit. The next steps in the organization’s lawsuit are currently not known.

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

New homes and street in Clark County, Las Vegas, NV

“Roots Homes” Helps Las Vegas Residents Achieve Dream of Home Ownership

LAS VEGAS, NV – Roots Homes is a Las Vegas-based startup that is helping residents of the city to achieve the dream of buying a home via a process known as “fractional homeownership,”  

Fractional ownership in real estate is when individuals own a percentage of a property and share usage rights. Fractional ownership splits the cost of an expensive purchase among several people, and Roots Homes feels that this method can be helpful to millennials and Gen Z individuals who may be facing an uphill battle saving up the funds needed for a down payment. 

Roots co-founder Lauren Self noted that their first client moved into a home in November, and that their tenth client is set to move into their home this week. 

“Our primary purpose is to help people access the largest wealth-building tool that Americans have access to in their whole entire lives, which is homeownership,” she said. 

Self said that she hopes that fractional homeownership – as opposed to other alternative means of acquiring a home, such as rent-to-own – will put more Southern Nevada residents in the path to owning their own homes by allowing them to move from being a tenant to being an actual property owner, a plan that Las Vegas Realtors President Lee Barrett said is “really creative.” 

“It’s not a new concept,” Barrett said. “But it’s a really interesting concept on how it’s broken it down. So I think it’s a good idea.” 

How it works is simple- Roots clients sign a lease for 12 months for a Roots-owned home, during which their monthly payments cover all expenses while ten percent of those payments is set aside toward building equity in the home. No down payment is required. 

However, if a client wants to pay more each month in order to build equity faster, they have that option as well, and at any point during the lease, they have the ability to purchase the home from Roots outright if they are able to.

Roots clients need to have a credit score of over 600 and a monthly income that is three times the monthly rent. 

Fractional ownership offers financial flexibility to individuals looking to buy a home and allows them to live in the house for a year or two to make sure they truly like it before they buy it. 

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

3825 Craig Crossing Drive

MG Properties Acquires Las Vegas’ Tribeca North Apartment Homes for $81 Million

LAS VEGAS, NV – California-based MG Properties announced this week that they have acquired Tribeca North Apartment Homes in the Las Vegas metro region for $81 million.

Tribeca North Apartment Homes, located at 3825 Craig Crossing Drive, is comprised of 312 luxury “low-density” apartment units and boasts numerous resort-style amenities. The individual units offer functional floorplans and parking garage access is available to tenants.

The facility also offers access to employment centers for those looking for an easy commute to work, including over 57 million square feet of industrial buildings in North Las Vegas and the 2.3 million square-foot Helios mixed-use medical campus, which is currently in-development.

The apartment complex is also located just minutes from the famed Las Vegas Strip, which offers a plethora of both employment and entertainment options.

Residents of Tribeca North Apartment Homes can enjoy numerous communal perks, such as reserved covered parking; an indoor/outdoor state-of-the-art fitness center; a resort-style pool with oversized spa and lap pool; terrace featuring barbecue pavilion and outdoor fireplace; two fenced dog parks with pet watering stations; and a resident social lounge with demonstration kitchen and vintage arcade games.

“We encourage a stress-free lifestyle at Tribeca North,” the facility’s website reads. “Our amenities are the perfect example of that. Covering all your needs (and wants) our community of one, two, and three bedroom apartments brings you stunning in-home finishes and a premier amenity suite.”

The previous owner of Tribeca North Apartment Homes was The Bascom Group, which was represented in the sale by Spencer Ballif, Adam Schmitt, and Jannie Mongkolsakulkit of CBRE. The purchase was funded via a Fannie Mae loan provided by Bryan Frazier and Blake Hockenbury of Walker & Dunlop.

The acquisition of Tribeca North Apartment Homes represents the first for MG Properties in 2023; currently, the firm owns and operates over 2,000 apartment units in the greater Las Vegas area.

For more information on availability at Tribeca North Apartment Homes please visit or call them at (844) 521-1659.

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.

Clark County Courthouse

Clark County Begins Crackdown on Illegal Short-Term Rentals – Submit Application Before March 13 Deadline

LAS VEGAS, NV – Clark County has begun to seriously ramp up enforcement of its rules that forbid illegal short-term rentals within its boundaries according to the Greater Las Vegas Short-Term Rental Association (GLVSTRA), issuing significant financial punitive measures against over 200 violators thus far.

GLVSTRA co-founder Luis Koorndyk noted that Clark County – between July 1 and November 23, 2022 – has so far issued 217 citations with fines and liens, with some reaching as high as $750,000.

“Everyday we’re hearing a story,” he said. “They’ve been fairly consistent, but in the last three- or four-months, enforcement seems to have really ramped up.”

Those looking to operate a short-term rental within the confines of Clark County have until March 13 to submit an application into a lottery that will ultimately issue 2,800 licenses, which means that only a limited number of applicants will be chosen.

Currently, the specific date that the licenses will be issued has not yet been revealed, but enforcement measures have been in effect for several months now. Individuals currently operating short-term rentals in Clark County – such as through services as Airbnb and Vrbo – without licenses are deemed to be doing so illegally and are subject to fines.

Koorndyk noted that the number of short-term rental landlords which have been fined so far only represents a small fraction of those who have been operating illegally.

“We’re looking at 98 percent of all operators, code enforcement doesn’t even know where they are, because they’re not being turned in,” he said. “They’re not being turned in because there are outstanding operators. That’s only 2 percent that they have a problem with.”

Currently, enforcement of illegal short-term rentals in Clark County consists of fines ranging from a minimum of $1,000 a day to a maximum of $10,000 a day.

Shelter Realty is a Real Estate and Property Management Company specializing in the areas of HendersonLas Vegas and North Las Vegas, NV. Feel free to give us a call at 702.376.7379 so we can answer any questions you may have.