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Consider the HOA Before You Buy

Looking to purchase a Las Vegas Home or High Rise Condo in the near future?  If so, make sure you are completely aware of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of the homeowner’s association (HOA).  Many homeowner associations can regulate where you park, what you can plant in the front yard and even what color your home can be.  On the other hand homeowner associations help maintain your property value.

HOA fees for Las Vegas High Rise Condos can be very expensive.  Usually the HOA fees for the high rise condos cover the costs of maintaining amenities like swimming pools, spas, clubhouses, workout facilities, entry gates, concierge services, insurance, garbage etc…

Just remember if you choose a Las Vegas Home or Condo that has an HOA, you are giving up some rights in exchange for the protection of your property value.

Where Do You Get Your Las Vegas Real Estate News?

When you are looking for up to date Las Vegas Real Estate News, where do you get it?

Do you search through Las Vegas Real Estate Blogs looking for a site that caters to recent real estate market updates? From my experience it is difficult to find quality up to date information on your local real estate market.  Sites like, and cater to a national real estate market which means local articles are few and far between.

Many of the local sources talk about different aspects of the entire market which might be what you are looking for but most of the time its not.  Many web surfers already have an idea what they are looking for and they usually have to spend many hours combing through the different Las Vegas Real Estate blogs to find it.  I would suggest doing specific searches, for example, say you are interested in the high rise condo market.

I would do a search for “Las Vegas High Rise Condo Market” to gather the exact information you need.

Is The Media Wrong About Las Vegas?

I have been saying it all along that the media reports about the Las Vegas Real Estate Market are just not completely accurate. Today on CNBC they stated that Las Vegas Home Prices will continue to drop into 2010 but that is just crazy with over 100K jobs being created in the next 5 years with the opening of Encore, Project City Center and Echelon to name just a few.

The Las Vegas Housing Inventory has dropped from over 29K homes on the market in September 2007 to 21K homes on the market as of April 2008. That is a 25% drop in homes for sale! That is a positive sign for the Las Vegas Real Estate Market, which the media is not talking about?

Alex Edelstein, the developer of Manhattan West also agrees that the Las Vegas Real Estate Market is not as bad as the media is depicting. Watch the video below of his interview on Fox News.

Las Vegas Homes for Sale

According to the National Association of Realtors, over 80% of home buyers begin their search on the Internet before they contact a real estate agent.  If home buyers are using the Internet to search for homes, isn’t it important that your Las Vegas Real Estate Agent have an Internet presence?  Why is it important that the agent selling your Las Vegas home have an Internet presence?  Your agents job is to sell your home and the more potential buyers that contact him through the Internet, the higher the probability that he/she can find a buyer for your home.

Majority of homes sold in Las Vegas are not sold by the agent that lists the property, but by an agent that found the buyer.  But that doesn’t mean the listing agent cannot find a buyer for the listing.  It takes the proper marketing to get the home sold.  Not every Las Vegas Real Estate Agent has the knowledge, experience or no how to properly market a home.  Most agents think that placing the Las Vegas Home for Sale in the MLS (multiple listing service) is all they need to do to market the home.  This is far from the truth.  A home needs to be not only marketed to other Las Vegas Real Estate Agents, but on the Internet as well.  The more potential buyers that find the listing, the greater chance there is the home will sell.

When looking for the right Las Vegas Real Estate Agent to sell your home, make sure their marketing plan includes heavy exposure on the Internet.

Trouble Making Up Your Mind On Home Buying?

After many months or maybe years, you have finally decided to buy your own home. You have pinched every penny to save up a sizeable down payment. You have made open houses a weekend ritual but still can’t seem to make the leap into purchasing a home. Why not??

Maybe you’re comfortable in your current space. You have accepted the shortcomings of where you live whether it is loud neighbours or no parking readily available. Not many surprises since you have been there so long.

First time home buyers tend to freeze up when it comes time to actually picking a house. Will they be happy there? Will they like their neighbours? Will they be tied down because they are now house rich and cash poor? What happens if their financial situation changes for the worse? Basically, the fear of the unknown becomes a constant nagging in their ear and prevents them from moving on towards purchasing their dream home.

Here are some steps to try and then maybe you can take the leap to home-ownership:

  • Get comfortable with your finances: Make sure you sit down and go over all of your current finances and the new ones that will occur with home ownership. Things like property taxes, home owners insurance, commuting to work and cost of utilities should be factored into your monthly expenses to make sure you are buying within your limit.
  • Partner with a Realtor: You need to pair up with a knowledgeable realtor. Even though the internet will allow you to do lots of research on your own, you can’t get the low down on a property without help from a realtor. They will be able to answer questions you will have and give you the inside scoop on the property. They will also help you write an offer and make sure you get a good deal.
  • Accept some risk: There is uncertainty in everything about life, you just need to deal with it. Learn from people you know that have purchased a home. Find out their mistakes and what to look for. Make sure you don’t drain your bank account with purchasing the home, keep a safety net in case of emergency.
  • Fine tune your “must-haves”: Make your list of “must haves” in your new home. A garage, the neighborhood, size and layout of the home, and anything else you feel is important and that you can’t live without. You may find that you are willing to sacrifice one feature, if the rest is fabulous. If you are not crazy about the house, don’t bid. It is important you love the home you are bidding on, after all you will be living there for some time.
  • Be ready to bid: Great homes and prices don’t stay around for long. If you love the home, have your realtor help you make an appropriate bid. If you are wavering, ask yourself, “How will I feel if I don’t get this house?” You might just get it, and if not, at least you’ll you know you tried.
  • Find an experienced Mortgage Professional: Sit down with an experienced mortgage professional and have them help you analyze your options for financing your new home. Finding the right mortgage can be as important as finding the right home. Make sure you clearly understand what type of mortgage you are getting. Ask as many questions as you need too until you are absolutely clear on the type of financing you are applying for. Remember, you are the one paying back the mortgage.

I hope this pushes all of you “on the fence” home buyers “off the fence” and into the home of your dreams. Happy House Hunting.

Las Vegas Expired Listings

With so many Las Vegas Homes for Sale it’s becoming more difficult to find buyers.  Homes begin to sit on the market for days, weeks and months with no offers.  Many times, homeowners become frustrated and blame their real estate agent for not doing their job to sell their home.  Is it really the fault of their real estate agent that their home is not selling?  It depends.  If their real estate agent is actively marketing their home instead of just waiting for another agent to bring a buyer, than I would say no it’s not their fault.

So what happens when a home does not sell?  Eventually it expires with their real estate agent, unless they extend the contract with the agent.  Once it expires, the homeowner can expect to be bombarded with phone calls and mail from other Las Vegas Real Estate Agents stating they can do a much better job and sell their home.

My advice to Las Vegas Homeowners would be to interview several Las Vegas Real Estate Agents and ask lots of questions.  Here are a few important questions you need to ask:

  1. Are you a full or part time real estate agent?
  2. How long have you been involved in selling real estate?
  3. How many homes have you sold in the last 90 days?  In the last year?
  4. What type of marketing will you be doing to sell my home?
  5. What makes you different from other real estate agents I have interviewed?
  6. If I am not satisfied with your performance, can I fire you and hire another real estate agent?

Obviously there are many more questions you should ask, but these are a few of the more important questions that you need to ask.  Remember don’t panic if your Las Vegas Home expires and don’t rush into a new contract with another Las Vegas Real Estate Agent.  Do you due diligence and interview several agents until you find one that you are satisfied has the credentials, experience and marketing programs to sell your Las Vegas Home.

Las Vegas Home Marketing

How many Las Vegas Real Estate Agents actually know how to market a home?  Is there a science to truly marketing a Las Vegas Home?

Most Las Vegas Homeowners who are selling a home for the first time usually choose real estate agents that are referred to them from their friends thinking that all Las Vegas Real Estate Agents are the same.  The truth is, not all Las Vegas Real Estate Agents are the same.  There are many Las Vegas Real Estate Agents that are part time agents, their are some that are primarily buyer agents, and some that specialize in only listings.  So back to my original question, “is their a science to marketing a home?”  I would say yes and here is why!

With so many Las Vegas Homes on the market, some bank owned and some short sales, it is imperative to get as many potential buyers to view the home in order for it to sell.  It is difficult to compete with these bank owned homes because the banks are pricing these homes so low in order to sell them quickly.  So how do you generate potential buyers?  The first thing you need to do is obviously price the home correctly!  The second thing that needs to be done is to analyze the neighborhood and surrounding community.  For example, say the home is in the northeast part of Las Vegas.  This potential home is close to Nellis Air Force Base and might make an ideal home for military personnel transferring to Nellis due to its close proximity to the base.  So it might make sense to market the home on the base and websites that target military personnel.

What about a home near a hospital?  It would make sense to market the home to the employees of the hospital with flyers and possibly in the Hospital newsletter that gets distributed to the staff.  So the point is, it is very important to analyze the community that surrounds the home you are going to list, you never know where you are going to find the buyer for your listing.  Their is a good chance the buyer could already be working in the surrounding community!

The Worst Experience with Country Wide

When I get phone calls from sellers inquiring about selling their Las Vegas home as a short sale, the first question I ask, “Is your lender Country Wide?”  As I wait for their answer, I am quietly hoping it is not; any Las Vegas real estate agent knows why I am hoping it is not Country Wide.  So for those of you who are not Las Vegas real estate agents, let me explain.

Country Wide is the largest Lender in the United States so it would be an under statement to say they are inundated with foreclosures and short sales.  But that doesn’t concern me, what concerns me is representing my client. So after I meet with my client, I have them complete a financial packet which I know Country Wide will be requesting.

As soon as it is completed, I send it over to Country Wide and call them every other day hoping to get my client’s file assigned. Instead, I get your file probably won’t be looked at for at least 30 days at which time it will be assigned to an asset manager and then you will receive a phone call (although they say 30 days, it’s more like 45 to 60 days).

Once you are assigned to an asset manager, good luck getting a hold of them. Don’t bother trying to leave a message as their voice mail is usually full!. When you do get lucky and finally get a hold of them, they usually don’t have any answers. So needless to say, my experiences with Country Wide have not been the most enjoyable.

Some Answers to Credit Score Mysteries

One of the most common things said when I am talking to a potential client on the phone is “I don’t want you to run my credit because it will drop my score”.

This is one of the most annoying statements made when you are trying to qualify a client for a mortgage. You simply can’t give them proper information without reviewing their credit report. So, I decided since how credit scores are calculated are somewhat of a mystery to everyone that I would elaborate some on this topic.

Each time a consumer applies for a loan, credit card or auto loan, they are having their credit checked. These credit checks are used by lenders to determine if the consumer is able to obtain financing. Every time a lender checks a consumers credit history, it shows up on the consumers credit bureau (Experian, Trans Union and Equifax) as an inquiry. These inquires can drop the consumers credit scores if too many inquiries are made in a certain period of time.

Many lenders rely on the FICO scores they pull when running a consumers credit history. These scores are tabulated by software from Fair, Isaac and Company Inc, along with what information is on the consumers history. Due to increasing pressure on Fair, Issac and Company to release how their software works, they have released information on how their scoring model calculates a FICO score for the consumer.

Inquires on a credit report are an indicator of risk and according to Fair Isaac and Company, the more inquires made means the more likely the consumer will not be able to pay his bills. When consumers want to buy or refinance a home, they usually contact more then one mortgage company for information. In order for the consumer to get accurate information from several mortgages companies, they need to have their credit checked by each mortgage company which in turn leads to many inquiries (especially if using an online site which shops various lenders). Since too many inquiries lead to lower scores, eventually the consumer could lose out on decent financing because their scores are too low.

Now for some good news and a way to combat that dreaded statement in the beginning of the article.

There is a new policy at Fair Isaac and Company, the software will ignore all auto and mortgage related inquiries that occur in the previous 30 day period from the time the credit is checked by the lender.

These inquiries will not be used to tabulate the credit score for the consumer. For each 14 day period prior to the 30 day period, only 1 inquiry will be counted no matter how many inquires where made during a particular 2 week period.

Inquiries on a credit report carry the lowest impact on scores. Things like high balances in relation to credit limit, recent late payments, judgments, and bankruptcy carry much more weight in tabulating a score. This information should be very usual to combat the consumers resistance to pulling credit because it will effect their scores.

Real-estate agents and mortgage professionals need to remind their clients that it is critical to sit down and review credit in order to provide options on the mortgages that they qualify for. This is the only way to provide the client with accurate information.

Las Vegas Called ‘Mortgage Fraud Ground Zero’?

According to FBI Special Agent, Scott Hunter Las Vegas is called mortgage fraud ground zero.

This problem is becoming so wide spread that special task forces have been created to combat the problem.  Every week you read in the paper or view the news about another real estate industry professional being arrested for some type of real estate or mortgage fraud.  Just this month, Cindy Birkland was arrested for alleged mortgage fraud.

According to the FBI, mortgage fraud is becoming one of the fastest growing white collar crimes in the United States.

Mortgage Fraud is usually committed by several individuals who all have a certain role within the scheme.  Usually a loan officer, borrower, real estate agent and/or an appraiser.  The most common type of mortgage fraud is a “straw buyer”.  This is where the bank lends hundreds of thousands on a home that is way over inflated due to an appraiser setting an unrealistic value.  The group splits the money and never has any intention on making any payments on the home.

More to follow…

Las Vegas Foreclosed Homes With Pools

Living in the middle of a desert where the temperature can be 110 degrees during the summer months, a pool is a near necessity. A Las Vegas home with a pool can be refreshing and add value to the home. But what about when the home has been abandoned because the bank has foreclosed on the home?

Now the pool is a problem if it hasn’t been drained.

I can’t tell you how many foreclosure homes I have shown that had a green pool in the backyard. Some pools were so bad that I could not even see the bottom. Many of the homes had backyards that were not secured and children could have easily wandered in the backyard.

Lets not forget that pools are a great place for mosquitoes to breed and mosquitoes are carriers of the West Nile Virus which can be transmitted to humans. These abandoned pools become stagnant and unless they are drained, they are not only a health hazard but a safety hazard. Children in the neighborhood can find their way into unsecured backyards and now we have a dangerous situation. Unsupervised children near a pool can become deadly.

If you see an abandoned Las Vegas Home with a pool, contact the city and file a complaint.

6 Warning Signs of A Bad Mortgage Loan

In the world of Real Estate, there are two very important professionals that the client needs to deal with when purchasing a home. A lot of real-estate agents and mortgage originators team up together to help the client with finding a home and financing the home. As a real-estate agent, you should be aware of the 6 signs to a bad mortgage so that you make sure your client is getting offered the best products around. (Especially if you are working with a mortgage professional that you aren’t familiar with)  As a mortgage originator, you should be aware of the 6 signs so that you aren’t putting your client into a bad mortgage or you can advise someone who is about to get into a bad mortgage.

1. Tells the client that they can be “creative” with the financing. Well, if “creative” constitutes falsifying information then there could be jail time, fines and possibly the full note called due at that time. Unfortunately, there has been a lot of press on mortgage professionals and clients falsifying documents to get the transactions done. Be leery of “creative” financing. Find out all the details and make sure nothing is fraudulent.

2. Being pushed into too high of a payment. The client needs to sit down and make a budget. Lenders don’t account for every little bill the client may have when qualifying them for financing. There are certain items not calculated into the debt ratio that may effect whether or not they can actually make that payment. Lenders also use gross income which the client only has net income to cover the bills.

3. Make sure the borrower is given the proper disclosures. A mortgage professional is required by law to give the borrower a copy of the Truth in Lending (which discloses the APR) and a Good Faith Estimate (which is a breakdown of the estimated closing costs). These documents must be given to the borrower within 3 days of application. Make sure the borrower understands these documents and if they don’t make sure they seek out their mortgage professional to explain them in detail to them so they do understand.

4. Be very careful of those professionals who promise one thing and then deliver another just before closing. If you are using an experienced mortgage professional, there should be no surprises just before the signing. Sometimes situations do come up throughout the process of the loan. However, the borrower should be notified immediately of any issues and how their loan will be changed so together they can decide if the mortgage still meets their budget.

5. Asked to sign blank papers. This is NEVER ok. Nobody involved in a financial transaction such as a mortgage should be signing any blank papers. You need to advise the borrower to put an X thru the document and then sign. If that is unacceptable by the mortgage professional then they need to report that person to his/her superior or the MLD.

6. Won’t give copies of signed paperwork. The borrower has a right to have copies of the initial signed paperwork so they can review them at their convenience. These documents are preliminary numbers in the beginning of the transaction. There should be nothing to hide by the mortgage professional and if they won’t give copies of signed papers, the borrower needs to ask “What are they hiding?”.

These are 6 of the most common red flags that come up when people are applying for financing. It is important that professionals in the real-estate industry are aware of these things, in case, it happens to their client. This way we can all protect the consumer from a bad loan. Bad loans only hurt the industry and the consumer in the long run. It is our job as professionals to help stop this from happening when people are trying to finance their dream home. We all want our clients to realize the dream of home ownership now we need to make sure that their dream doesn’t turn into a bad nightmare with the wrong financing.